Tell me what you want for London.
I’m excited to be standing for Mayor this year because people of all ages and backgrounds are getting active, thinking about our future, and want to be included in decisions shaping our lives.
I want to give Londoners a louder voice in decision-making. So, with help from a great service called Represent, I’ve set up some questions to ask how much you agree or disagree with different priorities for London – for housing, transport, air pollution, policing, our environment and how we run our city.
Find my questions here or get started right now below
What happens with your answers? Represent is the ‘people’s polling platform’. When you answer a question, your personal details stay private, and the results are shared with others who have answered the question – so you can see how they think, too. You can also ask your own questions if you think I’ve missed something – and add your reasons and other ideas to questions you’ve answered.
And this isn’t a ruse for me to grab your email address! You can answer as a guest, or sign up to Represent if you want. Whatever, I won’t get your details unless you sign up specifically to my campaign on my website here.