Hi ??NAME??, which station do you use?
From :
Here's how you'll save with the Green Party's Fair Fares policy:
✔ Every time you change from a train to the tube, or a bus to a tram, you'll save - our ONE ticket will give you free changes for an hour.
✔ Commute into town full time? As you live in zone ??? we estimate your travelcard in 2020 will cost £ less than under TfL's current fare plans, and you will save a total of £ over the next four years!
✔ Buy weekly travelcards? From zone ??? you will be paying £ a week less than TfL plans, and if you bought one every week for the next four years you'd rack up savings of £!
✔ If you want to travel from zone ??? out to zones 3, 4, 5 or 6 you'll save between 50p and £2.18 per journey.
✔ And if you work part-time, you'll also save an extra p a day from next year because we're bringing down daily caps to match the savings people get on a monthly travelcard, which is only fair.
Thanks for checking out my plans!
I want everyone's journey to work to cost the same. Please share your savings with the tweet links above, and don't forget to vote Green for Mayor and the London Assembly on 5 May!